Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obamacare.... Creeping Socialism?

I'm not sure what this Healthcare reform debate is about, from the Financial Times of London:

Home truths about rationing healthcare

By Philip Stephens

Published: August 17 2009 19:53 | Last updated: August 17 2009 19:53

The brouhaha in the US about healthcare has generated in Britain bemusement and irritation. The British are not shy of complaining about the National Health Service. But to swap free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare for the US private insurance system would beggar belief. As David Cameron’s Conservatives know to their cost, to hint at privatisation is to invite political immolation.

Beneath the transatlantic waves lies an awkward truth; one that politicians of all shapes and sizes – conservative and progressive, European and American – would prefer not to discuss. Healthcare is rationed everywhere.

If you start with the premise that healthcare is a limited commodity then the issue becomes about the distribution of it. It seems we Americans haven't quite figured that one out yet, we pay more for it than anyone else and our quality of care is middle of the pack. Really if we want to pay more than anybody else in the world, I'm okay with that just please make sure we have the highest quality. Can we agree we overpay for health care?

If we overpay for health care, who are we overpaying? That one is easy... the people who absolutely do not want to change the system at all. Who would hate change? Lawyers and Insurance Companies... Ding, Ding, Ding I think we have an answer.

Personally I don't see what all the big deal about Obamacare is. I have insurance but I can't afford to insure my wife or kid nor have I used it or had the need for this previous year, some great victory for me huh? I would be personally like an option that would let me provide access for my family without making decisions like health care or food. If it means that we have less open MRI machines available 24 hours a day, I'm okay with that.

It seems to me that the "best" arguement I've heard against the Obamacare plan is.."It's Socialism!!!!" to which I respond... "so?" I don't have a problem with my socialist Police, Fire, or Library so why would government health care scare me? It doesn't seem to scare American Veterans (the VA), Elderly or Poor (Medicare & Medicaid) so is it really that bad?

It's not like I'm love with Obamacare either for all the fuss that is being made it really doesn't do all that much. God forbid we actually wanted to make a real change.

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