Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Insurance: Epic Fail

I am not a socialist or even anything even close to it. The idea of going to "the" (as in there are no others) People's Grocery Store and picking up a 6 pack of "People's Beer" sickens me. Beer is a market that's work pretty gosh darn good. There is room for the big and small players in a variety of sizes, styles, tastes and prices. Each beer competes in a daily bloody combat to win my hard earned dollars. Way to go Capitalism!!!!!!

Where it fails badly is in the area of insurance. There are only giant publicly held corporations with a demanding cadre of stockholders to answer to on a quarterly basis. Let's face it I wouldn't go with a boutique or start up insurance company because I feel that in the end it may not be much insurance at all.

These giant companies have to generate profit every 12 weeks or heads will roll, that and fat cats may not get their multi-million dollar bonuses. Screw that, if the financial crisis has taught me anything it's that fat cats will always get their money, come hell or high water. The only way that these companies can make money is when there top line is bigger than their bottom line. This provides (2) incentives: raise rates or reduce costs. They have raised rates so much that less and less people can afford the price tag associated with the insurance and they are just plain not affordable if you have any risk in your life. This makes sure that the people who need insurance most are least able to get it.

The above while bad isn't immoral. This is. Thinking you have insurance, filing a claim and get either denied or a pittance of what you were expecting. Let's think about this. You have just had a major catastrophe in your life and somebody sitting on fat stacks of cash wants to fuck you over. That is just wrong. In all fairness it's not their fault. If you were Mr/Mz big fat cat CEO you would do the same damn thing. It is capitalism that fails here, we provide incentive to decline coverage when needed most to maximize profits.

Let's do away with the greedy, cherry picking, drains on our economy....comrade.

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