Thursday, September 17, 2009

What will happen if the Debt Ceiling isn't raised?

Here it is folks, we have 6 weeks before "we" default on our loans. That is unless we raise the 12 TRILLION dollar debt ceiling. Let's walk through this.

Right now America is extremely pissed at the Fed and Treasury for being lied to about the 700 billion "loaned" to them to prevent financial Armageddon. Throw in some obfuscation and stonewalling under oath about how the money was spent and I think the battle to raise the debt ceiling will be all uphill. This really is the proverbial line in the sand: To willingly destroy our currency or not.

Wall Street and the World are already pricing in the possibility of the monetization of debt. (It is monetization because raising the debt ceiling just allows us to sell more T-bills to retire the old T-bills and since we are buying them from ourselves this is the Fractional Banking equivalent of turning on the printing presses.) All tangible items are up right now including stocks and the dollar is being taken out to the woodshed and beaten daily.

For the sake of arguement let's say America doesn't want to turn the dollar into the peso and refuses to raise the debt ceiling. What to do, What to do?

I will offer some advice to Uncle Sam as I have found myself in this position previously. Large bill and credit lines tapped out. Here are the avenues out: Default, collect receivables, sell something raise income, reduce expenditures and pay above average interest rates for a short term loan (a pay day advance if you will). If the ceiling isn't raised after Washington has moved Heaven and Hell to scare the shit out of us then some combination of the aforementioned will be required. Really either outcome sucks but one is a prohibitive favorite to lead to revolution in under 3 years...

So we have our ingredients let's make some soup!

Default: This would be bad but would be ballsy. Sorry Chinese you should have known better than to lend us money. The problem with this is that it would have the exact same outcome as if we were just to print a whole bunch of new money, that is the dollar would be worthless. To be honest it would also be a lot less confrontational just to print the money, nobody wants to go to war.

Collect Receivables: Hey somebody owes us money right? Maybe.....Maybe not. But there would be no better time to shake the money tree than right now. Germany, Japan, England, United Nations I know times are tight but I really need you to pay back that X billion(s) you borrowed awhile back, you know the rentman's knocking.

Sell Something: Amtrak, the Post office, Gold, Alaska, Hawaii, we've got alot of stuff. Hey I like Hawaii too but times are tight and it's kind of a luxury isn't it.

Raise Income: Hello "National Sales Tax"

Reduce Expenditures: LMFAO....never gonna happen like asking a crack head to tell the truth.

Payday Loan: I'm sure we could make a little accounting magic happen by borrowing from the "Social Security Trust Fund" or "Medicare Trust Fund" or perhaps enter into the securitized market by selling future periods of National Income Tax income.

I can't claim to know what is going to happen. I hope we as Americans get a spine because we can only push the problem forward for so long and each time we push it forward the problem gets exponentially larger. I urge you to call, write, email or text your Congressperson and tell them you ain't skerred and to vote down the debt ceiling increase.

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