Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is Creating Zombie Banks Better than Letting them Die?

Would you rather be dead or a Zombie? I'm taking dead, I've seen a lot of movies and it seems the life of an average zombie isn't too great.

All levity aside I am a little bit hot about the Federal Government squandering what time we may or may not have to shore up the financial system. It has been a year since Lehman Bros collapsed and we have done bupkiss to prevent it from happening again. I am not saying that it will happen again but it isn't a statistical improbability.

So instead of breaking up Citi, JPM, BofA, Wells Fargo and all the other systemic risk banks we mortgage our childrens futures to prop these insolvent POS's up so they can roam the countryside looking for brains errrrr overdraft fees. I just don't understand the thinking here, we only have a finite amount of resources to combat economic crisis. IF we have another one it will really suck when Uncle Sam has to tell the American public "I'd love to help but I'm tapped".

Unruly mobs on the street with pitchforks and torches might be the "Systemic Risk" the Government is talking about next.

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog so far- I just found it and am actually laughing out loud at every other post.

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